Posted Reaction in PublMe Community Space: Tools and Plugins

Effective FX releases FREE Poltergeist experimental modulation effect
Effective FX is an independent, experimental audio tech studio based in Baltimore, Maryland. Their latest release is Poltergeist, a free experimental modulation effect for macOS and Windows. Poltergeist is a multi-stage effect that definitely fits the experimental category. The plugin generates fractal-like phasing patterns using the incoming audio at multiple stages. That short description already [...]
View post: Effective FX releases FREE Poltergeist experimental modulation effect

Effective FX is an independent, experimental audio tech studio based in Baltimore, Maryland. Their latest release is Poltergeist, a free experimental modulation effect for macOS and Windows. Poltergeist is a multi-stage effect that definitely fits the experimental category. The plugin generates fractal-like phasing patterns using the incoming audio at multiple stages. That short description already



    Tools and plugins for creators to process their media in different DAWs, editors, formats, etc.
