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YouTube’s revamped eraser tool uses AI to remove copyrighted music without impacting other audioYouTube has launched an updated eraser tool which allows its creators to remove copyrighted music from their videos, without affecting speech, sound effects or other audio.
Previously, videos flagged for copyrighted audio were muted or taken down entirely. The updated tool is in its early stages however, and YouTube does warn that the “edit might not work if the song is hard to remove”.

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As first reported by TechCrunch, the updated eraser tool was launched on 4 July. It utilises an AI-powered algorithm to cut just the song used, and leave the rest of the video intact. YouTube chief Neal Mohan shared the news of the launch to X along with a video.
In the footage, it is explained that the company had been testing the eraser tool for a while, but it wasn’t as accurate in removing copyrighted tracks as they wanted it to be. Now, the use of an AI-powered algorithm brings a “big improvement”, and users have the choice to mute all sound or simply erase just the music within their videos.
Find out more below:

Good news creators: our updated Erase Song tool helps you easily remove copyright-claimed music from your video (while leaving the rest of your audio intact). Learn more…
— Neal Mohan (@nealmohan) July 3, 2024

YouTube is attempting to make big strides with AI right now – last week it was reported that the company had been offering lump sums of money to the “big three” major labels in hopes of rolling out AI music licensing deals with them.
The move follows the launch of its AI tool Dream Track last year. The feature allowed users to create music using AI voice imitations of famous artists. The platform has allegedly been in talks with Sony, Warner and Universal to try to convince more artists to allow their music to be used in training AI software.
To find out more about YouTube’s eraser tool, including step-by-step instructions for its use, visit YouTube Support.
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YouTube has launched an updated eraser tool which allows its creators to remove copyrighted music from their videos.