Posted Reaction in PublMe Community Space: Tools and Plugins

Output Releases FREE AI-Powered Sample Pack Generator
Output released Pack Generator, a free AI-based sound generator that lets users create royalty-free sample packs using text prompts. It’s no secret that AI tools for music production aren’t as advanced as their counterparts for generating images, videos, and text. However, AI music generators and similar audio tools are catching up, and the latest one [...]
View post: Output Releases FREE AI-Powered Sample Pack Generator

Output released Pack Generator, a free AI-based sound generator that lets users create royalty-free sample packs using text prompts. It’s no secret that AI tools for music production aren’t as advanced as their counterparts for generating images, videos, and text. However, AI music generators and similar audio tools are catching up, and the latest oneRead More



    Tools and plugins for creators to process their media in different DAWs, editors, formats, etc.
