Posted Reaction by Vlad Masslove in PublMe
How much #Music #AI is really enough?
Hey #MusicIndustry, wtf... I like #MusicTechnology but for which purpose do we need all that stuff in these crazy scales?!
PS: New music generator can [again] generate more than billion soundtracks.
It is understandable from the tech startup point of view but currently already 2 tracks a second are being released.
#MusicBusiness #Musicians #artists #Producers
This new AI music generator can generate over one billion different soundtracksA new AI music generator has hit the market, with the capability to potentially generate over one billion different songs.
READ MORE: “I’ve seen things that have extremely blown me away. I do worry... ...
Vlad Masslove
VLCAM Producer X PublMe Founder & Admin X Life Cycle Co-Founder
I like games and producing music