Aviram - It takes a lot to try


Sounds like: The Beatles, Oasis, Built to Spill, Blur

What's so good?

I don't know about you, but I feel like what my generation misses are artists who are not scared of trying to make songs the "classic way" without being unoriginal and uninspired. If you are looking for distress, nostalgia, and a bit of good old cheesiness, Aviram will be your mentor with "It takes a lot to try." This song fits new music enthusiasts trying to discover some tunes in the style of the 60s. Plus, the way his voice is makes the song simply magical, and the "nooo, nooo, nooo" is just stuck inside my ears. Definitely give it a shot; it won't take a lot to try!

1. Original post: Aviram - It takes a lot to try

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