1tbsp - The City Never Felt So Good


Sounds like: Mindchatter, Golden Vessel

Song: 1tbsp - The City Never Felt So Good

What's so good?

Weird music can be hit or miss. Most of the time it's a miss, but in the case of 1tbsp's Maxwell Byrne, weird music is usually pretty good. Such is the case with his latest single "The City Never Felt So Good".The backing synth work and percussion isn't necessarily the weird part here. In fact, it's sorta reminiscent of aa 19990s techno song. Instead, it's the vocals that stand out as unique, and I think they're what set this song apart from its '90s brethren.1tbsp is gearing up to release a new album titled Megacity1000. A few singles have been released already, all of which you can hear on Spotify.

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