Os Garotin X Caetano Veloso X Cupertino X Anchietx - Nossa Resenha


Sounds like: Gilsons, Luana Berti, Doug O

What's so good?

The powerhouses come together and deliver us a smooth-as-silk track."Nossa Resenha" is red, red silk, and smooth reflective curtains in a candlelit room. The track is charming, playful, and effortlessly sensual. It hops in and out of a sense of fun that builds, curves, and plays with your senses. The track not only gives us a lounge feeling but differentiates itself just enough to be adaptable and unique to any mood of the night.It's no surprise that with such a powerhouse combo of artists, a track like this would hit your heart, your soul, and your body.

1. Original post: Os Garotin X Caetano Veloso X Cupertino X Anchietx - Nossa Resenha

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