FRIDAY* - Radiohead


Sounds like: Jamo, Jaycov, Liyah Knight

What's so good?

Channels Going FuzzyFRIDAY* makes the world go fuzzy and static with "Radiohead" — a heart-pounding alt electro scripture.It's weird to state that a track has an almost faithful feeling, but "Radiohead" seems like gospel to the new age melancholy, a piece of scripture we at once needed and on another, had heard for a while already. "Radiohead" is affecting and by design warm and inviting - like a morning radio talk, all content, all satisfaction.It's a difficult endeavor to design an electro track that has two sides - the dancer and the melancholic, but FRIDAY* succeeds at it, with every step we take into "Radiohead."

1. Original post: FRIDAY* - Radiohead

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