Joshua Idehen - Best Kind Of Lost


Sounds like: Pink Panthress, Jamie T

Song: Joshua Idehen - Best Kind Of Lost

What's so good?

When the pen opens and outpours poetry, it's clear we're in the midst of an artist. For what is art if not the expression of imagination through a medium of beauty? Joshua Idehen's lyricism captures attention with "Best Kind Of Lost" — a love song written about a single day with their partner.Making tea on the cliffs of the mind, rummaging fingers, and chubby clouds gobbling the moon are but a few images that flicker across the mind of a listening audience. "Best Kind Of Lost" captures the feel-good sense of abandon that sprouts from within the safe sphere of love — two humans agreed to be locked into one another, free to ride to the heights and depths of one's being.

1. Original post: Joshua Idehen - Best Kind Of Lost

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