- Stan Drobot is now a friend with Artem
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with belyasick
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with Serjoff
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with CristinellaBella
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with mielenyvin
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with Darko Stanicic
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with Dredosik Artem
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with Dmytro Bastanov
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with YouG Music
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with Sergiy Nalivaysky
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with Andrey Lapin
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with Divyesh
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with Chris Slanton
- Stan Drobot is now a friend with Ekaterina Tumanova
- Stan Drobot joined the community Life Cycle Ltd.